Remember Me

Tiger in My Soup
Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 
32 p. ; 
Retail $8.99

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781561458905
Make Way For Books
A fantasy that every reader ever left in the care of an older sibling will understand. Fantastic illustrations add to the story and its mystery.
Publisher Summary
An adventurous boy defeats an unlikely foe in this story of reading, imagination, and tigers!

Sometimes it's almost impossible to get your big sister to read your favorite book to you. Sometimes you have to go to great lengths even to get her attention! But if you're really creative and use your imagination, you might just get what you want. Take care, though, not to go too far. Once you conjure up a tiger, there's no telling where it might lead...

Author Kashmira Sheth brings readers a humorous, reading-centered story of the dynamic between a younger brother and older sister.
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